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A: Actually one of the people I really would have loved to design toured with would are usually Dio but obviously making going to occur unfortunately. It’s like one of those things a few seconds .. Dio would have been amazing.

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A: Locate personally what we’ve finished the cables and the orchestration. Percent to contain the orchestral aspect on a more affordable mix under the guitars more this time so it gives it very much more depth. We have now more hook lines and melody lines that we’ve made sure come out in the running. Also this time it’s info on faster in contrast to the previous albums which is consistently a factor. Also even though it’s fast it tends to breathe somewhat more I think about. All the mixes are in the right places which is generally quite absolutely necessary. It has come out rather well.

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A: Yeah, yeah currently has. One thing about Harpos that we all find funny is the peak of that stage. It’s f*cking crazy man! I am aware James [Mcllroy], our rhythm guitar player, was very much like oh my god we’re playing Harpos aren’t you? He said I purchase big after i stand on that set up! It is ridiculously high! It’s massive. This can be weird looking down for a tops of people’s heads.

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